50/50 Raffle Winner!


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Date: 2024-09-25 1:52 p.m. (GMT-07:00)

To: The Southwest Edmonton Crier <TheCrier@theyegcrier.ca>

Subject: 50/50 Raffle Winner!



Thank you to all our Brookview residents, as well as family, friends, and neighbours who made it out last weekend to our annual Community League Day. It was a perfect fall family fun day with bouncy castles, food trucks, face painting, and a movie night.


 Now with out further delay we are happy to announce the winner of the 50/50 raffle! Drum roll please…Charmaine Jicklings come on down! Please contact BCL at Office@brookviewcommunityleague.ca


Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets. And a special thank you to everyone who continues to support Brookview by renewing your membership.


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