Thank you

Dear Brookview (and surrounding communities!) 


What a party yesterday! We hope everyone had fun and is excited about the rink redevelopment project. For those who missed it, info can be found on the BCL website


We have over $500K so far in secured money from the city and BCL and we are currently discussing the project with our partners at BHOA. Our immediate goal is to raise $80K from family and corporate donations, followed by an application to a provincial matching grant, which could double the total amount. I huge "thank you" to those who jumped right in last night and bought some sponsorships.  There are a couple of Diamond Family sponsors already!  


Donations from the community are more than about the budget. They are a way of demonstrating that we have community support for the project, which is a large criteria in the evaluation process for the grants.  We can demonstrate support with the amount raised, but also the number of donations, so we also value the smaller amounts that may not be recognized on our sponsorship plaque.  We already set $80K as the goal in our letter of intent, so let's reach that and show the province that we'll get this done!


The provincial grant is due Aug 30th, which means we ideally need donations by AUGUST 25th to finish off budget. Of course we will be accepting donations after August 30th, but they will not qualify for the potential doubling we are seeking from the provincial grant. Here are links to download both the family sponsorship package and the corporate sponsorship package as PDF's.  Please share this info with your neighbours and friends, you never know who wants to support this project. 


Ways to donate:

1) Send e-transfer to President@brookviewcommunityleague.cae (please put your full name into the notes section) 

2) Send cheque made out to Brookview Community League to 280 Bulyea Road, Edmonton, T6R 1W5 (please email us at to let us know it's coming).

3) Go to the web site and fill out the google form and we will reach back out to you.

4) If you work at or know a company that might want to sponsor the project, please have them reach out to 


Also, we wanted to give some shoutouts again to those who made the Drinks at the Rink a success.  Canadian Brewhouse, Pinocchio ice cream, and Meat Street Pies for helping with food and beverages,  Remax tents for some much needed shade. Freestyle Movement and Potatohed for the entertainment.  And of course the volunteers who showed up to help set up, run the tables, and take down the event. It was so smooth.  


Again,  thank you so much for your support. We are looking forward to the amazing things we can do over the next several months to get shovels in the ground next year.  If you have interest in joining our committee to see this through to the finish line, please reach out to one of us below. 


Best Regards, 


Rink Redevelopment Committee


Kye Fodchuk

Jen Hocking

John Sexsmith

Natasha Tsang

Russell Keddie

Tracy Martin

Jim Martin