Date: 2024-01-17 8:45 p.m. (GMT-07:00)
To: The Southwest Edmonton Crier <>
Subject: Re: [The Brookview Crier] More on Dangerous driving during school drop off
Bulyea road is wide enough to accommodate two lanes of cars in each directions at intersections, and particularly at the entry to the school.
Numerous vehicles can be turning left into the school property while the ones behind can move to the right and go around.
In my 7 yrs as an AMA driving instructor all I can suggest is to try using the roadways properly, by allowing folks to also pass by on the curb lane. Too many drivers use Buylea road as only two lanes, when it is wide enough to handle 4 at turning points. Try it. It’s worked for me for my 35 yrs as a resident.
I doubt our counsellor or the city needs to be teaching folks how to drive.
Date: 2024-01-17 9:26 p.m. (GMT-07:00)
To: The Southwest Edmonton Crier <>
Subject: Re: [The Brookview Crier] More on Dangerous driving during school drop off
I did copy Tim Cartmell on my earlier response and have received this reply from his Senior Assistant. I have also passed on this further response from others in the community requesting they communicate directly with our community - nice to see this quick response. If others are so inclined to write to Tim, feel free,
On behalf of Councillor Cartmell, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your email and thank you for taking the time to share your concerns regarding traffic safety along Bulyea Road near George Luck School.
I am pleased to inform you that I am working with City Administration to gather more information pertaining to your inquiry. Once we have more information, we will be sure to circle back with you again.
Please be assured that your correspondence will be reviewed by Councillor Cartmell at the earliest opportunity and that your views and suggestions are valued.
Thank you again for contacting this office.
Elizabeth Gordon
Senior Council Assistant
Office of Councillor Tim Cartmell - Ward pihêsiwin
2nd Floor, City Hall, 1 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Edmonton AB T5J 2R7
Date: 2024-01-17 10:22 p.m. (GMT-07:00)
To: The Southwest Edmonton Crier <>
Subject: Re: [The Brookview Crier] More on Dangerous driving during school drop off
Short cutting through Bulyea has been an issue for ages, and is amplified by winter conditions and construction. However, driver behaviour is getting out of hand. I’ve lost count of the near misses along Bulyea (someone driving through the 4-way using the wrong lane with a truck coming straight towards them!) and now at the BPs intersection (2 weeks ago, a car in the middle lane turning right as a kid attempted to cross Terwillegar).
A few years ago I asked Cartmell’s office for signage to either indicate no turns into Bulyea (between certain hours) or a local traffic only sign and was told it is not possible because of the school and daycare. Some method of deterrence would be greatly appreciated. The issue happens outside of drop off times so it is not being driven (no pun intended) by school drop offs.
All that said, until the bottleneck at the north end is improved, the problem will remain. I truly do think the issues will be resolved once construction is finished…2025 if we are lucky?
Date: 2024-01-17 10:47 p.m. (GMT-07:00)
To: The Southwest Edmonton Crier <>
Subject: Re: [The Brookview Crier] More on Dangerous driving during school drop off
I don't disagree that the traffic is bad and that the City should look in to improvements, however, the only person responsible for the dangerous driving is the DRIVER. We can ask for improvements without excusing the selfish behavior of a dangerous and impatient motorist.
Date: 2024-01-18 8:08 a.m. (GMT-07:00)
To: The Southwest Edmonton Crier <>
Subject: Re: [The Brookview Crier] More on Dangerous driving during school drop off
I disagree with not allowing a left turn access into the school off Bulyea Road as this would only redirect those drivers to overcome this issue and cause a much bigger problem. I suspect the person suggesting this doesn't live in an area affected by this 'solution'. Other suggestions are much better and safer.
Date: 2024-01-18 8:57 a.m. (GMT-07:00)
To: The Southwest Edmonton Crier <>
Subject: Re: [The Brookview Crier] More on Dangerous driving during school drop off
Sorry. We live across the street from the school, the traffic is absolutely crazy we get so much of the drop offs in our crescent and the people do not respect our properties drive up on the grass walk all over our yards. We have no sidewalks so these streets are were not planned to have all this traffic .