Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2024 5:51 PM
To: The Southwest Edmonton Crier <>
Subject: Re: [The Brookview Crier] Coyote Sighting
I really don’t understand the purpose for all of the coyote sighting messages. People in Brookview need to realize we live on the edge of the ravine and coyotes are ALWAYS around us even though we don’t always see them. They wander the neighbourhood especially at night and can jump fences if hungry enough. In the Whitemud Creek neighbourhood close to us there was an incident a few years ago where a coyote jumped a fence and grabbed a small dog by the neck and took them away while the owners were in the backyard. Keep your pets inside and don’t leave food or smelly garbage outside before garbage day where it can attract them.
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2024 1:34 PM
To: The Southwest Edmonton Crier <>
Subject: Re: [The Brookview Crier] Coyote Sighting
If you are up during the night, especially on the night garbage us set out, you will see the regular traversing of porcupine, fox, coyotes,aswell as ferrel cats/dogs, rabbits and deer within our streets.There is an injured coyote wandering around too. This is the beauty of having a wildlife ravine nearby and, a safe park area, and the pop up dog park at George Luck close by. Don't blame the animals as some kind of evil bad guys. We are privileged to be surrounded wirh this beauty.
Use the appropriate designated areas. I've had other residents' dogs, on paths, and at the Dog park, lash out, attack, etc.... and even the humans lash out too! Humans being the worst! So, watch out for those humans too!